Material Flow Analysis of Shanghai City
中文关键词:  物质流分析  物质总需求  物质消耗强度  物质生产力  上海市
English Keywords:material flow analysis  total material requirement  material intensity  material productivity  Shanghai city
Fund Project:
黄晓芬 上海市发展改革研究院上海200032 
摘要点击次数: 1031
全文下载次数: 920
English Summary:
      The material flow theory and methodology based on the Eurostat guidelines have been applied to analyze quantitative characteristics of the total material requirement (TMR), the material intensity and the material productivity in the city of Shanghai from 1990 to 2003. The conclusions reveal that the big total material requirement and direct material input brings huge pressure on the environment on the city of Shanghai. At the same time the efficiency of the resource utilization in Shanghai is lower than developed country. Taking the present material productivity of shanghai as the start point ,we propose a mid and long term strategic goal in connection with the four-fold and the ten-fold increase in resource efficiency for 2025 and 2050 , respectively.
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