Quality of Medical Care and Honest Culture Construction in Public Hospital
中文关键词:  公立医院  廉政文化  医疗质量  医院发展
English Keywords:public hospital  honest culture  quality of medical care  development of public hospital
Fund Project:
胡明明,银洁① 南华大学湖南 衡阳 421001 
摘要点击次数: 819
全文下载次数: 623
English Summary:
      Quality of medical care is the lifeblood of medical institutions. To strengthen the honest culture construction in public hospital is the inherent requirement and effective guarantee to improve the quality of medical care in public hospital. The repeated hospital violator phenomena can reflect the lack of honest culture construction and the declination of quality of medical care in public hospital. This paper tries to find the way of how to strengthen the honest culture construction in public hospital from ideological education, discipline, ethics, and legal education aspects, in order to guarantee the steady improvement of quality of medical care in public hospital and promote the public hospital development in a harmonious and sustainable way.
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