The Logical Process of Marx Machine——the text analysis from the Poverty of Philosophy to Capital
中文关键词:  哲学的贫困  资本论  机器  机器的资本主义应用
English Keywords:The Poverty of Philosophy  Capital  machine  the capitalist application
Fund Project:
林美萍,蔡华杰① 福建江夏学院 公共管理系, 福建 福州 350108 
摘要点击次数: 796
全文下载次数: 932
English Summary:
      In The Poverty of Philosophy Proudhon presented his idea with series of dialectics of idealism for guidance:one is how the machine generates;the other is the good and bad aspects of the machine. Marx used the view of historical materialism to criticize j. proudhon,and disussed how the machine generates and its relation with the division of labour. But he accepted the bad aspects of the machine.In Capital,Marx came up with that we must distinguish the machine and machine application capitalist,so as to decipher in the poverty of philosophy why j. proudhon keep defaulted on the bad aspects of the machine.The thought of Marx also produced profound effects on the current international academics.
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