Negative Psychology and Self-adjustment of Editors at Transitional Term
中文关键词:  编辑  负面心理  调适
English Keywords:editor  negative psychology  adjustment
Fund Project:
朱雯霞 南华大学 期刊社湖南 衡阳 421001 
摘要点击次数: 918
全文下载次数: 908
English Summary:
      There are some deviations in mental health status of editors at transitional term, which directly affect the quality of publications, so it is more and more imporatant and urgent to study their negative psychology and adjust timely. The editors’ negative psychology mainly displays in psychological perplexity, inharmonious interpersonal relationship, job burnout and occupational health problems caused by stress. It is crucial for editors and publication development to pay attntion to mental health of editors, arm and guide editors with scientific and correct views of values, build strong firewall against negative psychology, respect social roles of editors, construct healthy and harmonious external environment, promote individual psychological quality, creat a pleasant intrinsic psychological environment and adjust negative psychological status appropriately.
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