Evolution of Western Literary Theories in the 20th Century and the Reference Significance for the Construction of Chinese Literary Theories
中文关键词:  20世纪西方文论  嬗变  中国文论建设  借鉴意义
English Keywords:western literary theories in the 20th century  evolution  the construction of Chinese literary theories  reference significance
Fund Project:
杨松芳 沈阳师范大学 大学外语教学部 辽宁 沈阳 110034 
摘要点击次数: 681
全文下载次数: 897
English Summary:
      In the 20th century, western literary theories flourished and the collision, blend and transformation of pluralistic literary theories became the developing trend of western literary theories. This paper sorts out the sequence of western literary theories in the 20th century and analyzes the effects of social development and changes, trend of thought in philosophy and aesthetics, linguistics and philosophy of language on the evolution of literary theories so as to reveal the law. We can see western literary theories as the reference frame, and use the meaningful component parts in evolution for reference to develop and enrich Chinese literary theories.
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