An Asymmetric Duopoly Option Game Model of Real Estate Investment Decision under Investment Cost and Market Demand
中文关键词:  房地产  投资决策  期权博弈  投资成本  市场需求
English Keywords:real estate  investment decision making  option game  investment cost  market demand
Fund Project:
赵旭 湖南城市学院 城市管理学院湖南 益阳 413000 
摘要点击次数: 840
全文下载次数: 692
English Summary:
      Investment cost and market demand are introduced to set up an asymmetric duopoly option game model of real estate investment decision. Then three equilibriums such as preemptive, sequential and simultaneous equilibrium are discussed, and the results indicate that investment cost and market demand have an important impact on developer's investment strategies. To every developer, whether or not to be leader and when to invest depend on its comparative advantage and disadvantage between investment cost and market demand.When the comparative advantage is not significant, three equilibriums such as preemptive, sequential and simultaneous equilibrium exist; when the comparative advantage is significant, two equilibriums such as sequential and simultaneous equilibrium exist; When the comparative advantage is equal, two equilibriums such as preemptive and simultaneous equilibrium exist.The investment strategy analysis showed that compared with investment cost, market demand has a greater impact on the investment value,at the same time, the two factors have a great influence on the investment threshold.
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