The Rise of the Civil Society and the Construction of the Basic Organization of the Communist Youth League
中文关键词:  公民社会  共青团  基层组织  团建创新
English Keywords:the civil society  the Communist Youth League  basic organization  innovation of the League construction
Fund Project:
李国荣 四川文理学院 团委, 四川 达州 635000 
摘要点击次数: 831
全文下载次数: 771
English Summary:
      The rise of the civil society is the inevitable trend of the modern society as well as the hallmark of Chinese development. Featured by mass, volunteering and nonprofit characters, the organization of the Communist Youth League is different from the other organizations of the civil society, in that it is characterized by its high political nature, powerful administration and special management mechanism. Therefore, to enhance the construction of the basic organization of the League in the civil society, the League construction should be led by the Party construction, be involved into the civil society, be clear about its position and responsibility, and innovate its management as well.
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