A SWOT Analysis of the Animation Industry in Hunan
中文关键词:  湖南  动漫产业  SWOT分析  建议
English Keywords:Hunan  Animation industry  SWOT analysis  recommendations
Fund Project:
欧绍华,刘志刚① 湖南工业大学 商学院, 湖南 株洲 412008 
摘要点击次数: 1001
全文下载次数: 1103
English Summary:
      The animation industry is the rising industry in 21st Century. The paper analyzes the environment of Hunan animation industry with the SWOT analysis method, concluding that the advantages of Hunan animation industry are advanced development, media, technology and production, while the weaknesses focus on wrong positioning, shortage of talents and lacking of funds. The opportunities are from the support of government, the trend of economic globalization, the large marketplace and favorable cultural environment. The threats are the competition from counterparts of foreign companies and the rampant pirates in market. On this basis, the paper makes recommendations of promoting development of animation industry in Hunan Province, from four aspects, that is, to integrate resources, build talents base, strengthen protection of intellectual property rights, improve the animation industry chain.
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