The Investigation and Analysis on the Current Situation of University Students’ Leisure Life
中文关键词:  大学生  闲暇生活  现状调查
English Keywords:university students  leisure life  investigation on the current situation
Fund Project:
李翠新 南华大学 船山学院 湖南 衡阳 421001 
摘要点击次数: 757
全文下载次数: 1534
English Summary:
      The thesis takes questionnaire investigation for 600 university students of 6 universities in Guangzhou. It synthesizes three angles, which are leisure time, leisure activities and leisure state of mind. So far,the character of the leisure 1ife of university students are as follows: plenty of leisure time, abundant activity for spending 1eisure time, the main activity carrier by the media and so on. But it also has many anxious problems, such as majority of university students lack self-consciousness and independence to plan and use leisure time; The leisure activity structure is not balanced and the level is low; Most university students have deviate leisure values and so on. So it is necessary to strengthen education for leisure in university.
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