Exploration on Different Reasons of Li Shang yin and Du mus Accepting Li He White Jade Building Legend
中文关键词:  李贺  白玉楼传说  传播与接受  差别性  
English Keywords:Li He  the Legend of White Jade Building  spread and accept  difference
Fund Project:
梁小珊,周玉华① 湖南科技学院 中文系湖南 永州 425100 
摘要点击次数: 821
全文下载次数: 595
English Summary:
      By the name of“wizard of poesy”—Li He created a magnificent and astonishing world of poesy with his sentimental mood and isolated personality, having very great influence on the poets of aftertime.They used Li He style of poem for reference, the posterity also showed deeply sympathy on the sadness of his life, with different incline and attitude on spreading and accepting the legend. Li Shang-yin and Du-Mu's different reasons of accepting Li He were very representative. So analysis on the otherness between them can better comprehend Li He's influence on aftertime, and the different opinions of aftertime people on his poems and him.
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