Investigation on the Status Quo of Hunan Small HolderProduction and Analysis on the Reasons
中文关键词:  小农业生产方式  小农意识  状况  原因
English Keywords:small farmer productive form  small farmerconsciousness  presentsituation  reasons
Fund Project:
周作武,文东升① 南华大学 人文社会科学学院, 湖南 衡阳 421001 
摘要点击次数: 724
全文下载次数: 685
English Summary:
      Hunan current status of small holder production are: agricultural production and management being in small-scale operation phase, the traditional extensive mode of production having not changed; backward instrument of agricultural production, low level of agricultural science and technology; agricultural infrastructure, water conservancy facilities, rural road transport and living facilities in rural areas being lagging behind; low level of agricultural socialization and organization, the material and financial support of government to agriculture being small. The main reasons are: social, historical and institutional reasons,inadequate policy and regulations on market economy development in rural areas, the government's large deviation of economic instruments as well as peasant mentality and so on.
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