The Interpreting of Connotation and Relationship of Functions of University
中文关键词:  高等学校  职能  内涵  关系
English Keywords:university  function  connotation  relationship
Fund Project:
颜桂花 南华大学 人文社会科学学院 湖南 衡阳 421001 
摘要点击次数: 809
全文下载次数: 1055
English Summary:
      Cultivating talents, developing science, and serving society are three main functions of university. With the development of science and culture, the connotation of university has already been enriched and expanded. The three main functions of university are not only independent, but also are related with each other which is mainly reflected in two aspects: Firstly, from the angle of phylogeny, the function of cultivating talents and developing science is the basis of serving society, at the same time, the exertion of the function of serving society can promote the function of cultivating talents and developing science. Secondly, from the angle of operation function of university, there are conflicts among the three functions, so coordinating is necessary.
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