The Thought on Developing the Construction of Tourism Industry in the Mountainous area of Northern Guangdong Province——A Case Study of Meizhou
中文关键词:  粤北山区  旅游产业  梅州  战略思考
English Keywords:the mountainous area of northern Guangdong Province  tourism industry  Meizhou  strategy thoughts
Fund Project:
谢莉 嘉应学院 地理系广东 梅州514015 
摘要点击次数: 998
全文下载次数: 814
English Summary:
      Meizhou is located in the mountain area of northern Guangdong and the joint of Fujian, Guangdong and Jiangxi provinces. It has beautiful scenery, wonderful ecological environments, rich customs and deep Hakka culture inside information which are the superiority conditions of developing tourism industry. The regional cooperation of “Pan Pearl River Delta” and the implementing of CEPA are history opportunities for Meizhou. It should use the unique location and tourist resources superiority, stand out “Ecology” and “Hakka Culture” feature and practice priority development strategy to win the tourism brand of “Hakka city in the world and Meizhou in China” and than make the tourism industry become one of the pillar industries in Meizhou.
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