Sound Absorption Performance of a Resonant Cavity Based on Lattice Structure
投稿时间:2024-12-04  修订日期:2025-01-05
中文关键词:  点阵结构  吸声结构  吸声系数  阻抗管
英文关键词:lattice structure  Sound absorbing structure  Sound absorption coefficient  Impedance tube
张晓阳 南华大学 数理学院 421001
陈国豪 南华大学 土木工程学院 
王治樵 南华大学 土木工程学院 
唐颖* 南华大学 计算机学院 421001
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      提出了一种由上层微穿孔板和夹芯斜点阵结构组成的点阵共振腔吸声结构,采用阻抗管实验和模拟的方法,研究了该结构在300 ~ 500 Hz频率范围内的吸声特性和机理,定量研究结构参数对点阵共振腔结构吸声系数的影响。研究结果表明:结构在329~460 Hz(吸声系数>0.5)有着较宽吸声频率,吸声宽带是由三个腔体共振耦合所产生;在孔径减小或孔数量减小,斜点阵共振腔结构的吸声系数增大以及吸声频率向低频移动;结构高度增加,共振频率向更低频率方向移动。
      A lattice resonant cavity sound absorption structure composed of an upper micro-perforated plate and a core slanted lattice structure is proposed. The sound absorption characteristics and mechanisms of this structure in the frequency range of 300 to 500 Hz were investigated using impedance tube experiments and simulations. The influence of structural parameters on the sound absorption coefficient of the lattice resonant cavity was quantitatively studied. The results indicate that the structure exhibits a broad sound absorption frequency range (329–460 Hz) with a sound absorption coefficient greater than 0.5, which is attributed to the resonant coupling of three cavities. Reducing the hole diameter or the number of holes enhances the sound absorption coefficient and shifts the absorption frequency toward lower frequencies. Additionally, an increase in the structural height leads to a further shift of the resonant frequency to lower frequencies.
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