Research on natural ventilation and thermal environment optimization of stepped courtyard in hot summer and cold winter areas: a case study of a university library in southern China
投稿时间:2024-10-11  修订日期:2024-11-13
中文关键词:  自然通风  过渡季节  边庭  热舒适性
英文关键词:Natural ventilation  Transitional season  Side courts  Thermal comfort
蒋新波* 南华大学 421200
施时雨 南华大学 
茅赛琴 南华大学 
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      As a new form of shared space, the stepped design surrounding the side court has been less applied and studied in China. This paper takes the stepped side court of a university library in a hot-summer and cold-winter region as an example, exploring the characteristics of natural ventilation and the thermal environment in this space during the transition season through numerical simulation and actual measurement. After analyzing the distribution of indoor temperature and airflow on each floor and at different times, it was found that the stepped-surrounding spatial form improves natural ventilation efficiency and air quality. However, wind and thermal pressures, as well as the geometric shape of the side court, affect the ventilation paths, leading to uneven indoor temperature distribution. To optimize the uneven temperature distribution, deflector plates were installed to improve the airflow path, making the indoor temperature more uniform. This enhances the overall effect of natural ventilation and improves indoor thermal comfort. The research in this paper can provide design and application references for stepped side courts.
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