Study on the Influence of Fractal Characteristics of Granite Surface Cracks on Radon Exhalation Rate
投稿时间:2024-05-28  修订日期:2024-06-05
中文关键词:  花岗岩  裂隙  氡析出  分形特征
英文关键词:granite  fracture  radon exhalation  fractal characteristics
基金项目:湖南省自然科学(2023JJ30508); 湖南省教育厅重点项目(23A0322)。
黄文凯 南华大学资源环境与安全工程学院 421001
谢焱石* 南华大学资源环境与安全工程学院 421001
朱煜 南华大学资源环境与安全工程学院 
郭清爽 南华大学资源环境与安全工程学院 
王伯洋 南华大学资源环境与安全工程学院 
韩世礼 南华大学资源环境与安全工程学院 
艾国梁 湖南省遥感地质调查监测所 
摘要点击次数: 16
全文下载次数: 0
      Granite, a rock commonly found in everyday life, emits radon from its surface, which can pose radiation hazards to humans. Hence, investigating the radon exhalation patterns of granite is of significant importance. This study collected granite samples from the southeastern region of Hunan and employed a self-designed and implemented fracture extraction software based on the Python language to determine the fractal characteristics of surface fractures on bulk granite. A comprehensive analysis was conducted to discuss the correlation between the fractal characteristics of the fractures and radon exhalation from granite, offering new perspectives and methodologies to further elucidate the mechanism by which surface fractures on granite influence radon exhalation capacity. The findings suggest that the radon exhalation rate, after standardization, better reflects the correlation between the radon exhalation rate of granite and other parameters. The fractal characteristics of granite surface fractures obtained through the fracture extraction software aid researchers in understanding the geometric complexity of the fractures and their potential influencing factors. The relationship between the fractal dimension of surface fractures on bulk granite and the radon exhalation rate is significantly affected by the uranium content and radium activity. Once their impact on the radon exhalation rate is excluded, the correlation is enhanced.
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