SHI Yu1,2, ZHANG Hui1,2,DING Dexin1,2*, Xuebing,Wang1,2
投稿时间:2024-05-27  修订日期:2024-05-31
中文关键词:  CO2+O2地浸采铀  浸出剂  地下水  化学参数
英文关键词:Uranium extraction by ground leaching with carbon dioxide and oxygen  leaching agent  groundwater  chemical parameters
石宇 南华大学铀矿冶生物技术国防重点学科实验室 421001
张辉 南华大学铀矿冶生物技术国防重点学科实验室 
丁德馨 南华大学铀矿冶生物技术国防重点学科实验室 
王学兵 南华大学铀矿冶生物技术国防重点学科实验室 
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      作者从内蒙古纳岭沟砂岩铀矿床采集了地下水样,在实验室制备模拟地下水,研究了CO2+O2地浸采铀浸出剂对砂岩铀矿床地下水pH、Eh、HCO3-浓度的调控作用。研究结果表明:1) 随着CO2注入量增加,地下水的pH迅速降低、Eh小幅度升高、HCO3-浓度小幅度降低;随着O2注入量增加,地下水的Eh大幅度升高、pH小幅度升高、HCO3-浓度保持稳定;随着NH4HCO3加入量增加,地下水的pH小幅度升高、Eh小幅度降低、HCO3-浓度显著升高;CO2、O2、NH4HCO3各自单独作用,对地下水pH、Eh、HCO3-浓度的调控结果不符合浸铀的实际要求。2) 当CO2的分压为0.08 MPa、O2 的分压为0.7 MPa、NH4HCO3的浓度为1040 mg/L时,地下水的pH被调控至6.25,Eh被调控至251 mV,HCO3-的浓度被调控至1027 mg/L左右,符合浸铀的实际要求。上述研究结果为纳岭沟砂岩铀矿床CO2+O2地浸开采提供了试验支持。
      The authors collected groundwater samples from the sandstone uranium deposit in Nalinggou, Inner Mongolia, prepared simulated groundwater in the laboratory, and investigated the modulation effects of pH, Eh, and bicarbonate ion concentration of groundwater in sandstone uranium deposits by ground leaching uranium extraction leachate with carbon dioxide and oxygen. The results of the experimentation showed that: 1) as carbon dioxide injected increases, the pH of groundwater decreased rapidly, the Eh increased slightly, and the bicarbonate ion concentration decreased slightly; as oxygen injected increases, the Eh of groundwater increased substantially, the pH increased slightly, and the bicarbonate ion concentration remained stable; as ammonium bicarbonate added increases, the pH of groundwater increased slightly, and the Eh decreased slightly, bicarbonate ion concentration increased significantly; carbon dioxide, oxygen, and ammonium bicarbonat acted separately, and the results of regulation of groundwater pH, Eh, and bicarbonate ion concentration were not meet the practical requirements for uranium leaching 2) Under the condition of the partial pressure of carbon dioxide was 0.08 MPa, the partial pressure of oxygen was 0.7 MPa, and the concentration of ammonium bicarbonat was 1040 mg/L, the pH of groundwater was regulated to 6.25, Eh was regulated to 251 mV, and bicarbonate ion concentration was regulated to about 1027 mg/L, which meets the practical requirements for uranium leaching. These above results provide experimental support for carbon dioxide and oxygen ground leaching mining in the Nalingou sandstone uranium deposit.
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