Effect of SRB Mediated Sulfate Reduction on Uranium Migration in the Decommissioned Mining Areas of Acid In-Situ Leach Uranium Mines
投稿时间:2024-05-21  修订日期:2024-05-30
中文关键词:  酸法地浸  铀污染地下水  硫酸盐还原菌  微生物还原  铀迁移
英文关键词:acid leaching  uranium contaminates groundwater  sulfate-reducing bacteria  microbial reduction  uranium migration
王学兵 南华大学 421001
胡南 南华大学 
丁德馨* 南华大学 421001
摘要点击次数: 20
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      从新疆某酸法地浸采铀矿山退役采区采取地下水样、上顶板样和钻孔岩芯样,采用富集培养和扩大培养,获得SRB菌液;利用正交试验,确定SRB还原SO42-的最佳条件;最后将扩大培养的SRB菌液注入该退役采区地下水-岩芯样水平试验柱中,研究SRB介导的硫酸盐还原对地下水铀迁移的影响。结果表明,SRB菌液注入地下水-岩芯样水平试验柱中40 d后,地下水中SO42-和U的浓度从初始的2500 mg/L和2.58 mg/L分别降至182.32 mg/L和0.023 mg/L,其去除率分别为92.70%和99.10%,达到了排放标准;此时试验柱中具有还原U(VI)功能的微生物Desulfotomaculum丰度高达82%,在距离试验柱入水口0~15 cm的范围内,SRB对铀的还原效果显著,岩芯样中U(VI)与U(IV)的比例为1:1;SRB菌液能够还原pH为6的酸法地浸采铀矿山退役采区地下水中的硫酸盐和U(VI),且U(VI)被还原后沉积在了岩芯样中。
      Groundwater, roof and drill core samples were taken from a decommissioned mining area of an in situ leach uranium mine in Xinjiang, and SRB solution was obtained by using the samples for enrichment culture and expansion culture. Orthogonal tests were used to determine the optimal conditions for SRB to reduce SO42-. Finally, the enlarged SRB bacterial solution was injected into the groundwater-core sample level test column in the decommissioned mining area to study the effect of SRB-mediated sulfate reduction on groundwater uranium migration. The results showed that after 40 days of injection of SRB bacterial solution into the groundwater-core sample level test column, inoculated amount of SRB solution and pH value on the reduction of SO42- by SRB were studied by microcosmic experiment. Finally, SRB solution was injected into the groundwater-core horizontal test column to study the effect of SRB-mediated sulfate reduction on the uranium migration in groundwater. The results showed that when pH=6, the concentrations of SO42- and U in groundwater decreased from the initial 2500 mg/L and 2.58 mg/L to 182.32 mg/L and 0.023 mg/L, respectively, and their removal rates were 92.70% and 99.10%, respectively, reaching the discharge standard. On the 40th day, the abundance of microorganisms with U(VI) reduction function in the column experiment was as high as 82%. Within the range from 0 to 15 cm from the water inlet of the column, the reduction effect of SRB on uranium was remarkable, and the ratio of U(VI) to U(IV) in the core sample was 1:1. It was found that SRB solution could reduce sulfate and U(VI) in the groundwater with pH 6 of the decommissioned mining area of the acid in situ leach uranium mine, and U(VI) was deposited in the core sample after reduction.
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