Experimental study and numerical simulation of dynamic mechanicsof magnetite concrete
投稿时间:2024-05-06  修订日期:2024-05-14
中文关键词:  磁铁矿混凝土  SHPB  动力特性  PFC
英文关键词:Magnetite concrete  SHPB  Dynamic  PFC
韦永发 南华大学 421001
陈振富 南华大学 
刘怡志* 南华大学 421000
陶秋旺 南华大学 
吴旦 南华大学 
摘要点击次数: 34
全文下载次数: 0
      As a new type of radiation-resistant concrete, magnetite concrete has been widely used in special engineering fields such as medical infrastructures, human defence projects, nuclear reactors, nuclear waste repositories and major national defence projects. Analysed from the spatial stress dimension, most of the special engineering structures are in a complex stress state, and when the buildings are subjected to military strikes or earthquake-induced explosive impact loads, the dynamic loads lead to a complex dynamic damage law of magnetite concrete members. In this paper, taking magnetite concrete as the research object, the Separated Hopkinson Pressure Bar Device (SHPB) is used to carry out dynamic impact test research on magnetite concrete specimens to study the effect of strain rate on the dynamic mechanical properties of magnetite concrete, and numerical simulation is carried out using the particle flow program PFC2D to further analyse the breakage mechanism from the fine-scale level.
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