Research on vulnerability of key nodes in power-information network based on CML
投稿时间:2024-04-15  修订日期:2024-05-21
中文关键词:  电力-信息网络  关键节点识别  耦合映像格子  级联失效  脆弱性
英文关键词:power-information network  key node identification  the coupled image lattice  cascading failure  vulnerability
戴剑勇* 南华大学 421000
李佩东 南华大学 
张澳 南华大学 
张美荣 南华大学 
张雨婷 南华大学 
高文卉 南华大学 
摘要点击次数: 23
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      In order to study the vulnerability of power-information coupling network under attack, this paper analyzes the vulnerability of key nodes. Firstly, the key nodes of the network are identified based on DC, BC and CC, and the power-information dependent network dynamics model is constructed by using the coupled image lattice to simulate the dynamic cascading process caused by the failure of each key node under different scenarios. The node loss ratio and network connectivity entropy are used to quantify the vulnerability of the network to external disturbances. Taking IEEE57 as an example, it is found that the coupling network is more prone to " secondary cascading " or even multiple cascading, and the cascading failure under BC is the most rapid. With the increase of propagation coefficient and disturbance, the node loss ratio and network connectivity entropy reach the threshold, and the network will not show stronger vulnerability.
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