王宽,叶华清.基于旅游行为的湖湘文旅综合廊道构建研究[J].南华大学学报(自然科学版),2024,(2):89~96.[WANG Kuan,YE Huaqing.Research on the Construction of Huxiang Cultural and Tourism Comprehensive Corridor Based on Tourism Behavior[J].Journal of University of South China(Science and Technology),2024,(2):89~96.]
Research on the Construction of Huxiang Cultural and Tourism Comprehensive Corridor Based on Tourism Behavior
DOI:10.19431/j.cnki. 1673-0062.2024.02.012
中文关键词:  湖湘文化  空间分布特征  文旅  廊道
英文关键词:Huxiang culture  spatial distribution characteristics  cultural tourism  corridor
王宽 南华大学 松霖建筑与设计艺术学院,湖南 衡阳 421001 
叶华清 南华大学 松霖建筑与设计艺术学院,湖南 衡阳 421001 
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      旅游行为对文旅廊道构建具有显著的塑造和驱动作用,合理利用好旅游行为对旅游市场拓展、旅游资源开发与规划具有引导作用。文化遗产资源地如何有效组织及导引游客于境内的旅游路线,达到增加旅游机会、获取经济效益及文化遗产保护开发的目标,是当前业内讨论的热点问题。而很大一部分文化遗产与旅游资源具有耦合性及邻近性,为寻求“文旅”协同发展,以湖南省11个5A级景区、161个4A级景区(含文化遗产)为研究对象,采用最邻近指数、地理集中指数、核密度分析等研究方法探讨它们的空间关联性、旅游概率以及宏观文旅廊道构建。结果显示:湖南省5A、4A级景区空间分布数量差异大,两极分化严重,主要集中在长沙市、怀化市、永州市,数量最少的为娄底市和邵阳市,空间分布类型为凝聚型;景区平均通行时间在166~341 min之间,高铁站平均通行时间在53~141 min之间,两者平均通行时间整体呈现“中心—外围”的结构特征;旅游时间成本最低的城市为长沙市、湘潭市、株洲市、衡阳市、娄底市乘坐高铁平均通行时间为53~70 min;在宏观上建议构建红色、自然风光和人文历史主题路线;最后,根据湖南省“文旅资源”空间分布上的差异性,为优化湖南省旅游发展在政府、景区的层面上提出相关建议。
      Tourism behavior plays a significant role in shaping and driving the construction of cultural tourism corridor, and rational use of tourism behavior plays a guiding role in tourism market expansion, tourism resources development and planning. How to effectively organize and guide tourist routes in the territory of cultural heritage resources to achieve the goal of increasing tourism opportunities, obtaining economic benefits and protecting and developing cultural heritage is a hot issue in the current industry discussion. A large part of cultural heritage and tourism resources have coupling and proximity. In order to seek the coordinated development of “cultural tourism”, 11 5A-level scenic spots and 161 4A-level scenic spots (including cultural heritage) in Hunan Province are taken as research objects. Using the nearest proximity index, geographical concentration index, kernel density analysis and other research methods to explore their spatial correlation, tourism probability and macro cultural tourism corridor construction. The results show that the spatial distribution of 5A and 4A scenic spots in Hunan Province has great differences and serious polarization, mainly concentrated in Changsha, Huaihua and Yongzhou. Loudi and Shaoyang have the least number of scenic spots, and the spatial distribution type is agglomeration. The average travel time of the scenic area ranges from 166 to 341 min, and that of the high-speed railway station ranges from 53 to 141 min. The average travel time of the two areas presents the structural characteristics of “center to periphery” as a whole. The cities with the lowest travel time cost are Changsha City, Xiangtan City, Zhuzhou City, Hengyang City, Loudi City, the average travel time by high-speed rail is 53-70 minutes; At the macro level, it is suggested to construct the theme lines of red, natural scenery and human history; Finally, according to the differences in the spatial distribution of “cultural tourism resources” in Hunan Province, relevant suggestions are put forward to optimize the tourism development in Hunan Province at the level of government and scenic spots.
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