蒋新波,马玉虎,游泽华,刘雨鑫.遮阳方式及构造对室内自然通风的影响研究[J].南华大学学报(自然科学版),2024,(2):30~37.[JIANG Xinbo,MA Yuhu,YOU Zehua,LIU Yuxin.Study on the Influence of Sunshade Methods and Construction on Indoor Natural Ventilation[J].Journal of University of South China(Science and Technology),2024,(2):30~37.]
Study on the Influence of Sunshade Methods and Construction on Indoor Natural Ventilation
DOI:10.19431/j.cnki. 1673-0062.2024.02.004
中文关键词:  遮阳板  自然通风  室内风环境  数值模拟
英文关键词:sunshade  natural ventilation  indoor air environment  numerical simulation
蒋新波 南华大学 松霖建筑与设计艺术学院,湖南 衡阳 421001 jiangxinbo2002@usc.edu.cn 
马玉虎 南华大学 土木工程学院,湖南 衡阳 421001  
游泽华 南华大学 土木工程学院,湖南 衡阳 421001  
刘雨鑫 南华大学 松霖建筑与设计艺术学院,湖南 衡阳 421001  
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      遮阳方式及构造对室内风环境的营造有很大的影响,随着室内空气品质与热舒适要求的提高,室内自然通风越来越被重视。为了探究遮阳方式及构造对室内风环境的影响,以衡阳市某办公室为例,以计算机流体力学CFD(computational fluid dynamics)技术为基础,分析了水平式、垂直式、综合式和挡板式遮阳板分别在400 mm、600 mm、800 mm、1 000 mm和1 200 mm长度下该办公室的进风量、测点风速和空气龄。当风向投射角为0°时,水平式、垂直式和综合式遮阳板长度每增加200 mm平均进风量分别增加135 m3/h、110 m3/h和125 m3/h,挡板式板长每增加200 mm进风量平均减小365 m3/h。通过对进风量、测点风速以及空气龄等评价指标的研究与分析,遮阳板对室内进风量影响较大,对室内空气流向和流速影响较小,合理利用各类遮阳板,可以达到改善室内自然通风的效果。
      Sunshading methods and construction have a great influence on the creation of indoor wind environment, and with the improvement of indoor air quality and thermal comfort requirements, indoor natural ventilation is more and more emphasized. In order to investigate the influence of shading methods and construction on the indoor wind environment, taking an office in Hengyang City as an example, the air intake, measured point wind speed values and air age of the office were analyzed based on CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics)technology for horizontal, vertical, integrated and baffle shading panels at lengths of 400 mm, 600 mm, 800 mm, 1 000 mm and 1 200 mm, respectively. When the wind projection angle is 0°, the average air intake of horizontal, vertical and integrated sunshade increases by 135 m3/h, 110 m3/h and 125 m3/h for every 200 mm increase in the length of the sunshade, and the average air intake of baffle-type board decreases by 365 m3/h for every 200 mm increase in the length of the board. Through the study and analysis of the evaluation indexes of the air intake, the measured point wind velocity and the indoor wind field, the impact of the sunshade on the indoor air intake is larger, and the impact on the indoor air flow direction and flow rate is less. The reasonable use of various types of sunshade, can achieve the effect of improving the indoor natural ventilation.
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