赵艳梅,吕俊文,李凌鑫.某铀尾矿渗滤液在黏土层渗滤过程中铀形态的转化[J].南华大学学报(自然科学版),2024,(2):21~29.[ZHAO Yanmei,Lü Junwen,LI Lingxin.Transformation of Uranium Forms During Percolation of a Uranium Tailing Leachate Through Clay Layer[J].Journal of University of South China(Science and Technology),2024,(2):21~29.]
Transformation of Uranium Forms During Percolation of a Uranium Tailing Leachate Through Clay Layer
DOI:10.19431/j.cnki. 1673-0062.2024.02.003
中文关键词:  铀尾矿  渗滤液  铀的形态  黏土
英文关键词:uranium tailings  leachate  occurrence forms of the uranium  clay
赵艳梅 南华大学 资源环境与安全工程学院,湖南 衡阳421001 1175735277@qq.com,jwlv9892@aliyum.com 
吕俊文 南华大学 资源环境与安全工程学院,湖南 衡阳421001
衡阳市土壤污染控制与修复重点实验室,湖南 衡阳421001 
李凌鑫 南华大学 资源环境与安全工程学院,湖南 衡阳421001  
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      There is residual uranium in uranium tailings, which will dissolve out under the action of water flow, and migrate in the unsaturated zone and groundwater with the flow of leachate. The occurrence form of uranium in the leachate will affect the migration of uranium. In this study, the leaching of uranium tailings and the transfer of leachate in clay were investigated by column experiments, and the occurrence forms of uranium were simulated using the PHREEQC software. The experimental results show that the concentration of uranium leached from the tailings by the leachate is very low, and the clay layer at the bottom of the tailings does not have a high adsorption efficiency for the low concentration of uranium; moreover, the tailings leachate is acidic, and the H+ and SO2-4in the tailings easily migrate with the leachate, and the clay does not have a strong capacity to adsorb them. There are four main forms of uranium in the tailings leachate and clay penetrating fluid and the relative order of content is UO2F+> UO2SO4> UO2+2> UO2(SO4)2-2. The forms of uranium do not change significantly during the migration process through the clay layer and F- and SO2-4 are the main controlling factors affecting the migration of uranium in the dissolved state. The research can provide a theoretical basis for uranium tailings groundwater remediation and uranium soil pollution remediation.
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