张新宇,毛军军,苏元龙.概率不确定下考虑偏好的ELECTRE Ⅲ方法研究及应用[J].南华大学学报(自然科学版),2024,(1):53~59.[ZHANG Xinyu,MAO Junjun,SU Yuanlong.Research and Application of ELECTRE Ⅲ Method Based on Preference in Probabilistic Uncertain Environment[J].Journal of University of South China(Science and Technology),2024,(1):53~59.]
概率不确定下考虑偏好的ELECTRE Ⅲ方法研究及应用
Research and Application of ELECTRE Ⅲ Method Based on Preference in Probabilistic Uncertain Environment
中文关键词:  概率不确定语言  偏好关系  差异度  ELECTRE Ⅲ方法〖PS23-06张新宇OSID码.tif  Y4*4,Y#〗
英文关键词:probabilistic uncertain language  preference relationship  difference degree  ELECTRE Ⅲ method
张新宇 安徽大学 大数据与统计学院,安徽 合肥230039 510764586@qq.com,maojunjun@ahu.edu.cn 
毛军军 安徽大学 大数据与统计学院,安徽 合肥230039 maojunjun@ahu.edu.cn 
苏元龙 安徽大学 大数据与统计学院,安徽 合肥230039  
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      针对概率不确定语言环境下的多属性群决策问题,为了更好地反映多位专家的评价信息对于不同属性的偏好程度,创新性地构建了一个新的属性偏好关系。基于考虑专家评价信息之间的差异程度,提出了差异度的概念与计算方法。首先,对多个专家的评价信息进行汇总,通过计算不同方案之间与不同属性之间的差异度,进而获得所有专家对于每个属性的偏好程度。其次,文章研究了在概率不确定语言环境下解决多属性群决策问题的ELECTRE Ⅲ方法,通过计算方案之间的一致性指数与不一致性指数,构造方案间的级别优先关系,从而对备选方案进行综合排序。最后,通过绿色供应链供应商选择的算例分析及概率不确定语言环境下的其他方法进行比较分析,验证了该环境下ELECTRE Ⅲ方法的适用性与可行性。
      For the multi-attribute group decision making (MAGDM) problem in probabilistic uncertain language environment, in order to better reflect the preference degree of multiple experts' evaluation information for different attributes, this paper innovatively constructs a new attribute preference relationship. Considering the difference degree of expert evaluation information, the concept and calculation method of difference degree are put forward. Firstly, the evaluation information of multiple experts is summarized, and the preference degree of all experts for each attribute is obtained by calculating the difference degree between different schemes and different attributes. Secondly, this paper studies the ELECTRE Ⅲ method of multi-attribute group decision making in probabilistic uncertain language environment. By calculating the consistency index and inconsistency index between schemes, the hierarchical priority relationship between schemes is constructed, and then the alternative schemes are comprehensively ranked. Finally, the applicability and feasibility of the ELECTRE Ⅲ method in the environment of probabilistic uncertain language is verified through the example analysis of supplier selection of green supply chain and the comparison analysis of other methods in the environment of probabilistic uncertainty.
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