侯林霞,李震波.非线性阻尼下光滑不连续振子极限环的全局演化[J].南华大学学报(自然科学版),2023,(6):61~67.[HOU Linxia,LI Zhenbo.Global Evolution of Limit Cycle of Smooth and Discontinuous Oscillator with Nonlinear Damping[J].Journal of University of South China(Science and Technology),2023,(6):61~67.]
Global Evolution of Limit Cycle of Smooth and Discontinuous Oscillator with Nonlinear Damping
中文关键词:  光滑不连续振子  无理项势能  极限环  广义谐波函数摄动法
英文关键词:smooth and discontinuous oscillator  irrational potential  limit cycle  generalized harmonic function perturbation method
侯林霞 南华大学 数理学院,湖南 衡阳 421001 h15136723329@163.com 
李震波 南华大学 数理学院,湖南 衡阳 421001  
摘要点击次数: 112
全文下载次数: 77
      An optimized generalized harmonic function perturbation method was proposed for the smooth discontinuity (SD for short) oscillator. Via the method, an analytical relationship between amplitude of limit cycle and the system parameters can be derived. Meanwhile, based on the qualitative theorem of ordinary differential equations, an analytical calculation formula of the limit cycle characteristic quantity for this oscillator was established. With the above results, the global evolution of limit cycle for SD oscillator with complex nonlinear damping can be quantitatively analyzed, such as when the limit cycle emerges, how it bifurcates, whether it is stable and where it disappears. In addition, the analytical approximate solution of the limit cycle was also obtained. By comparing the results obtained in this paper with those of the Runge-Kutta method, the feasibility and reliability of the proposed optimization method were verified, and a new reference method was provided for the study of the global evolution of the solutions of strongly nonlinear vibration systems.
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