曹澜澜,艾奇伟,李密.电极布置对电化学矿化固定废水中低浓度铀的影响研究[J].南华大学学报(自然科学版),2023,(5):1~8, 27.[CAO Lanlan,AI Qiwei,LI Mi.Effect of Electrode Layout on the Immobilization of Low-Enriched Uranium in Wastewater by Electrochemical Mineralization[J].Journal of University of South China(Science and Technology),2023,(5):1~8, 27.]
Effect of Electrode Layout on the Immobilization of Low-Enriched Uranium in Wastewater by Electrochemical Mineralization
DOI:10.19431/j.cnki. 1673-0062.2023.05.001
中文关键词:  含铀废水  电化学  矿化  磁铁矿  电极布置
英文关键词:uranium-containing wastewater  electrochemistry  mineralization  magnetite  electrode layout
曹澜澜 南华大学 资源环境与安全工程学院,湖南 衡阳 421001 caolanlan798@126.com 
艾奇伟 南华大学 资源环境与安全工程学院,湖南 衡阳 421001  
李密 南华大学 资源环境与安全工程学院,湖南 衡阳 421001  
摘要点击次数: 319
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      将废水中的低浓度铀固定到人造矿物的晶格中限制其迁移转化是解决铀放射性污染的有效策略。采用电化学方法可实现废水中低浓度铀快速、无污染、低能耗地掺杂进磁铁矿晶格中,实现矿化稳定,但电化学矿化系统中的电极布置直接影响着磁铁矿的结晶速率和铀的晶格掺杂效率。本研究通过优化电极布置来提高磁铁矿的结晶速率和铀的去除效率,重点考查了电极布置方式、间距、废水流向及流速对磁铁矿结晶和铀去除效果的影响,并对铀掺杂磁铁矿的理化性质进行了分析。研究结果表明,电极布置方式通过影响电流密度改变磁铁矿的结晶速率,阴阳极交替排列电极布置方式最有利于磁铁矿的结晶,废水正向流可促进离子迁移,提高铀的去除速率,当初始铀质量浓度为10 mg/L时,铀的去除率可达96.1%。
      Immobilization of low-enriched uranium from wastewater into the artificial mineral lattice to limit uranium migration and transformation is an effective strategy for addressing uranium radioactive contamination. Rapid, non-polluting, low-energy immobilization of low-enriched uranium from wastewater into the magnetite lattice for stabilization of mineralization can be achieved through electrochemical methods. This study proposes to improve the crystallization rate of magnetite and uranium removal efficiency by optimizing the electrode layout, with the emphasis on the effects of electrode layout, distance, wastewater flow direction and flow rate on magnetite crystallization and uranium removal, and the physico-chemical characteristics of uranium-doped magnetite were evaluated. The results showed that the electrode layout changed the crystallization rate of the magnetite with respect to the current density; the arrangement of the alternating cathode and anode electrodes was most beneficial for magnetite crystallization; the forward flow of wastewater promotes ionic migration and increases the uranium removal rate, which can be as high as 96.1% at an initial uranium mass concentration of 10 mg/L.
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