王芳冰,李跃,林文斌.基于亮度残差的VVC帧内编码改进算法[J].南华大学学报(自然科学版),2023,(3):46~51, 58.[WANG Fangbing,LI Yue,LIN Wenbin.Improve Algorithm of VVC Intra Coding Based on Luminance Residual[J].Journal of University of South China(Science and Technology),2023,(3):46~51, 58.]
Improve Algorithm of VVC Intra Coding Based on Luminance Residual
中文关键词:  VVC  亮度残差  帧内预测  VTM16.0
英文关键词:VVC  luminance residual  intra prediction  VTM16.0
王芳冰 南华大学 数理学院,湖南 衡阳 421001 1181394084@qq.com 
李跃 南华大学 计算机学院,湖南 衡阳 421001  
林文斌 南华大学 数理学院,湖南 衡阳 421001
南华大学 计算机学院,湖南 衡阳 421001 
摘要点击次数: 420
全文下载次数: 236
      通用视频编码(versatile video coding,VVC)标准由联合视频专家组共同制定,它遵循基于混合块的编解码器及其前身高效视频编码(high efficient video coding,HEVC)的传统架构。与HEVC相比,VVC的帧内预测功能包含大量修改,编码效率大大提高。在VVC的基础上,提出了一种改进的基于亮度残差的帧内编码算法,通过减少率失真代价的检查次数,在保证编码质量不受较大影响的前提下,降低了计算复杂性,并提高了VVC的帧内编码效率。实验结果表明,在VTM16.0的VVC软件版本下,在相同配置下,改进算法的编码时间可以减少27.03%,而Bjntegaard-Delta rate只增加了0.9%。
      The versatile video coding (VVC) standard is jointly formulated by the joint video expert group (JVET). It follows the traditional architecture of mixed block based codec and its predecessor high efficient video coding (HEVC). Compared with HEVC, the intra prediction function of VVC contains a large number of modifications, and the coding efficiency is greatly improved. In this paper, an improved intra coding algorithm based on luminance residuals is proposed on the basis of VVC. By reducing the number of rate-distortion cost checks, the computational complexity is reduced and the intra frame coding efficiency of VVC is improved while ensuring that the coding quality is not greatly affected. Under the VVC software version of VTM16.0, the experimental results show that under the same configuration, the coding time of the improved algorithm can be reduced by 27.03%, while the Bjntegaard-Delta rate can only be increased by 0.9%.
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