李明瑧,郭长青.地面简谐运动作用下双自由度体系鞭梢效应的影响因素研究[J].南华大学学报(自然科学版),2022,(6):8~14.[LI Mingzhen,GUO Changqing.Study on Influencing Factors of Whiplash Effect of Two Degree of Freedom System Under Ground Simple Harmonic Motion[J].Journal of University of South China(Science and Technology),2022,(6):8~14.]
Study on Influencing Factors of Whiplash Effect of Two Degree of Freedom System Under Ground Simple Harmonic Motion
中文关键词:  鞭梢效应  质量比  刚度比  模态分析
英文关键词:whiplash effect  mass ratio  stiffness ratio  modal analysis
李明瑧 南华大学 土木工程学院,湖南 衡阳 421001 1806239120@qq.com 
郭长青 南华大学 数理学院,湖南 衡阳 421001  
摘要点击次数: 365
全文下载次数: 397
      To gain a comprehensive understanding of the whip effect in a double-degree-of-freedom system, the study examined the ratio of upper to lower structure displacement amplitudes as a characterization of the effect, for both undamped and damped cases. It investigated four parameters, including the ratio of excitation frequency to the upper structure natural frequency, the mass and stiffness ratios between upper and lower structures, and the damping ratio of the structure. The results reveal that, for undamped systems, the whip effect depends solely on the frequency ratio, where the amplitude ratio becomes infinite at a ratio of 1. In damped systems, the whip effect weakens with increasing damping ratio, while mass and stiffness ratios have a negligible effect, provided the damping ratios of two-order vibration modes are equal. However, if the damping ratios are unequal and the stiffness ratio is greater than the mass ratio, the second-order vibration mode damping ratio has a more significant influence. When the stiffness ratio is less than or equal to the mass ratio, the first-order vibration mode damping ratio is more significant.
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