刘灿.聚三嗪亚胺的合成及从水溶液中吸附铀[J].南华大学学报(自然科学版),2022,(5):79~84.[LIU Can.Synthesis of Polytriazineimide and Adsorption of Uranium from Aqueous Solution[J].Journal of University of South China(Science and Technology),2022,(5):79~84.]
Synthesis of Polytriazineimide and Adsorption of Uranium from Aqueous Solution
DOI:10. 19431/ j. cnki. 1673-0062. 2022. 05. 011
中文关键词:  g-C3N4  PTI  吸附铀  动力学  等温线模型
英文关键词:g-C3N4  PTI  adsorbU(VI)  kinetics  isothermmodels
刘灿 南华大学 化学化工学院,湖南 衡阳 421001 
摘要点击次数: 357
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      利用熔盐法合成了聚三嗪亚胺(polytriazineimide,PTI),并用来吸附水中的U(VI)。在常温下,PTI对铀的最大饱和吸附量达到了135.5 mg/g,与g-C3N4相比,是g-C3N4饱和吸附量的54.2倍。通过对动力学与吸附等温线模型的探究,发现PTI对U(VI)的吸附符合准一级动力学模型,说明PTI吸附U(VI)属于物理吸附。同时,Langmuir吸附等温线模型能更好地拟合PTI对U(VI)的吸附过程,说明U(VI)在PTI上属于单层吸附。通过对吸附铀后的材料进行XPS表征,发现铀在吸附后的价态没有改变,仍为U(VI)。
      Polytriazineimide (PTI) was synthesized by molten salt method and used to adsorb U(VI) in water. At room temperature, the maximum actual adsorption amount of uranyl by PTI reached 135.5 mg/g, which was 54.2 times that of g-C3N4 compared with g-C3N4. The kinetic and adsorption isotherm models are investigated and the adsorption of U(VI) by PTI is found to be in accordance with the pseudo primary kinetic model, indicating that the adsorption of U(VI) by PTI is physical adsorption. Meanwhile, the Langmuir adsorption isotherm model could better fit the adsorption process of PTI on U(VI), indicating that the adsorption of U(VI) on PTI is monolayer adsorption. By XPS characterization of the adsorbed uranium material, it was found that the valence state of uranium after adsorption did not change and was still U(VI).
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