程磊磊,赵紫伶,齐增湘.冀北地区传统村落记忆基因的活态测评研究 ——以蔚县传统村落为例[J].南华大学学报(自然科学版),2022,(2):88~96.[CHENG Leilei,ZHAO Ziling,QI Zengxiang.A Study on the Activity of Memory Gene in Traditional Village in North Hebei Province —Take Yuxian Traditional Village as an Example[J].Journal of University of South China(Science and Technology),2022,(2):88~96.]
冀北地区传统村落记忆基因的活态测评研究 ——以蔚县传统村落为例
A Study on the Activity of Memory Gene in Traditional Village in North Hebei Province —Take Yuxian Traditional Village as an Example
中文关键词:  传统村落  冀北  记忆基因  活态测评
英文关键词:traditional villages  North Hebei  memory genes  active assessment
程磊磊 南华大学 松霖建筑与设计艺术学院,湖南 衡阳 421001 narcissuscll@163.com 
赵紫伶 仲恺农业工程学院 艺术设计学院,广东 广州 510640  
齐增湘 南华大学 松霖建筑与设计艺术学院,湖南 衡阳 421001  
摘要点击次数: 443
全文下载次数: 205
      Based on the framework of “ evaluation index system of famous historical and cultural towns ( villages ) in China ” and “ evaluation and identification index system of traditional villages ( trial implementation ) ”, this paper puts forward the concept of memory gene combined with the theory of collective memory and cultural gene. According to the field research data, the evaluation index is formulated from five aspects of site selection environment, pattern texture, vernacular architecture, traditional lifestyle and traditional folk skills, and the living state of memory gene is evaluated for nine traditional villages in Yuxian County, northern Hebei Province. Quantitative analysis obtained the following conclusions:1) Overall inactivation problem is common, the village indicators live state gap is obvious. 2) From the perspective of indicators, traditional folk skills are the core factors affecting the living state of village memory genes. When implemented into specific indicators, the continuity of customs and beliefs, the integrity of spatial pattern and the degree of village hollowing out are the dominant factors affecting the living state of village memory genes. 3) Village type becomes a typical factor affecting the living state. Based on this, from the three perspectives of element strengthening, memory archiving and cultural revival, the retention ideas and development strategies of memory genes are put forward to realize the living inheritance of traditional villages.
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