许婉冰,唐东山,牛洁,王扬,李存增.锌镍铁三元水滑石的制备及其对铀的吸附性能研究[J].南华大学学报(自然科学版),2022,(1):14~24.[XU Wanbing,TANG Dongshan,NIU Jie,WANG Yang,LI Cunzeng.Preparation of Zn-Ni-Fe Ternary Hydrotalcite and its Adsorption Properties for Uranium[J].Journal of University of South China(Science and Technology),2022,(1):14~24.]
Preparation of Zn-Ni-Fe Ternary Hydrotalcite and its Adsorption Properties for Uranium
DOI:10.19431/j.cnki. 1673-0062.2022.01.003
中文关键词:  水滑石  吸附    表面络合〖PS22-01许婉冰OSID码.tif  Y4*4,Y#〗
英文关键词:hydrotalcite  adsorption  uranium  surface complexation
许婉冰 南华大学 资源环境与安全工程学院,湖南 衡阳 421001 1729187713@qq.com 
唐东山 南华大学 资源环境与安全工程学院,湖南 衡阳 421001  
牛洁 核工业北京化工冶金研究院,北京 101149  
王扬 核工业北京化工冶金研究院,北京 101149  
李存增 核工业北京化工冶金研究院,北京 101149  
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      用水热法成功制备了蜂窝状的锌镍铁三元水滑石(ZnNiFe-LDH),并将其用于吸附含铀废水中的铀。考察了溶液pH、吸附剂投加量、铀初始质量浓度等因素对ZnNiFe-LDH吸附U(Ⅵ)的影响,结合吸附前后材料的微观表征,探究了ZnNiFe-LDH对U(Ⅵ)作用机理。实验结果表明:当温度为25 ℃、pH为5、固液比为0.10 g/L时,ZnNiFe-LDH对10 mg/L铀的去除率为97.57%。吸附动力学和热力学实验表明:准二级动力学模型和Langmuir等温吸附模型的相关系数R2更接近于1,表明ZnNiFe-LDH对铀的吸附是以化学吸附为主的单分子层吸附,且该反应是一个容易进行的自发吸热反应。反应前后材料的原子价态和晶相结构未发生明显变化,表明ZnNiFe-LDH吸附U(Ⅵ)的主要机理为表面络合。25 ℃时,ZnNiFe-LDH对U(Ⅵ)平衡吸附量高达689.66 mg/g,在处理低浓度含铀废水方面有一定的应用前景。
      The honeycomb-shaped zinc-nickel-iron ternary hydrotalcite (ZnNiFe-LDH) was successfully prepared by hydrothermal method and used to adsorb uranium from uranium-containing wastewater. The effects of solution pH, adsorbent dosage, initial mass concentration of uranium and other factors on the adsorption of U(Ⅵ) by ZnNiFe-LDH were investigated. The mechanism of ZnNiFe-LDH on U(Ⅵ) was explored by combining the microscopic characterization of the materials before and after adsorption. The results show that the removal rate of 10 mg/L uranium by ZnNiFe-LDH is 97.57% when the temperature is 25 ℃, pH is 5 and the solid-liquid ratio is 0.10 g/L. The adsorption kinetics and thermodynamic experiments show that the correlation coefficient R2 of the quasi-second-order kinetic model and the Langmuir isotherm adsorption model is closer to 1, indicating that the adsorption of uranium by ZnNiFe-LDH is a monolayer adsorption based on chemical adsorption, and the reaction is a spontaneous endothermic reaction that is easy to proceed. After adsorption, the atomic valence and crystal structure of the material did not change significantly, indicating that the main mechanism of ZnNiFe-LDH on U(Ⅵ) is surface complexation. The saturated adsorption capacity can reach 689.66 mg/g at 25 ℃, which has great application prospects in the treatment of low-concentration uranium-containing wastewater.
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