邹树梁,陈树强,黄斌海.可搭载切割设备的移动式升降平台关键部件可靠性分析[J].南华大学学报(自然科学版),2021,(1):10~16.[ZOU Shuliang,CHEN Shuqiang,HUANG Binhai.Reliability Analysis of Key Components of Mobile Lifting Tooling Equipped with Cutting Equipment[J].Journal of University of South China(Science and Technology),2021,(1):10~16.] |
可搭载切割设备的移动式升降平台关键部件可靠性分析 |
Reliability Analysis of Key Components of Mobile Lifting Tooling Equipped with Cutting Equipment |
投稿时间:2020-08-20 |
DOI:10. 19431/ j. cnki. 1673-0062. 2021. 01. 002 |
中文关键词: 移动式升降平台 传动系统 左右模糊排序法 专家打分法 可靠性分析 |
英文关键词:mobile lifting platform transmission system left and right fuzzy sorting method expert scoring reliability analysis |
基金项目:甘肃省重点研发计划(17JR7GA001) |
摘要点击次数: 507 |
全文下载次数: 264 |
中文摘要: |
为解决核工程设施退役过程中大量试剂输送管道的拆除工作,根据复杂工作条件下(环境恶劣,放射性)系统工作要求,设计出可搭载切割设备的移动式升降平台,提升工作效率并增加作业安全。为分析可搭载切割设备移动式升降平台关键部件的可靠性,基于系统可靠度预设值,通过专家打分法,采用左右模糊排序法将模糊数转化为模糊概率,建立移动式升降平台失效概率模型。并以移动式升降平台传动系统关键零部件为例进行计算,得出系统薄弱环节,针对薄弱环节提出增加其可靠性的应对措施,从而提高系统安全性能。 |
英文摘要: |
In order to solve the dismantling of a large number of reagent pipelines during the decommissioning of nuclear engineering facilities, according to the system working requirements under complex working conditions (bad environment, radioactivity), a mobile lifting tooling that can be equipped with cutting equipment is designed to improve work efficiency and increase work safety. In order to analyze the reliability of the key components of the mobile lifting platform that can be equipped with cutting equipment, based on the preset value of the system reliability, through the expert scoring method, the fuzzy number is converted into the fuzzy probability by the left and right fuzzy sorting method, and the failure probability model of the mobile lifting tool is established. It takes the key components of the mobile lifting tooling transmission system as an example to calculate, finds the weak links of the system, and proposes measures to increase the reliability of the weak links, so as to improve the safety performance of the system. |
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