肖雪,贺秋华.基于健康风险评估的燃煤电厂选址分析[J].南华大学学报(自然科学版),2020,34(2):56~61.[XIAO Xue,HE Qiuhua.The Analysis on Location Selection of Coal-fired Power Plant Based on Health Risk Assessment[J].Journal of University of South China(Science and Technology),2020,34(2):56~61.]
The Analysis on Location Selection of Coal-fired Power Plant Based on Health Risk Assessment
中文关键词:  燃煤电厂  AERMOD模型  健康风险评估
英文关键词:coal-fired power plant  AERMOD  health risk assessment
肖雪 南华大学 资源环境与安全工程学院,湖南 衡阳 421001 
贺秋华 南华大学 资源环境与安全工程学院,湖南 衡阳 421001 
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      采用AERMOD模型模拟燃煤电厂不同选址方案排放的汞浓度值,并利用USA EPA推荐的非致癌健康风险评价模型评估人体健康风险,对不同选址方案进行比选。结果表明,选址方案B中汞24小时平均浓度均高于选址方案A,从环境质量角度考虑,选址方案A优于选址方案B;两种选址方案汞的非致癌健康风险均在可接受范围内,但选址方案B最大浓度点非致癌健康风险约为方案A的4倍,方案B不同群体健康风险也均高于选址方案A,从人体健康风险考虑,选址方案A也优于选址方案B。综合考虑两种比选角度,方案A为最佳推选方案。在对燃煤电厂进行选址时应充分考虑人体健康风险,尽量选择简单地形、下风向附近无密集居民点区域。
      The AERMOD model was used to simulate the mercury concentration values of different siting schemes of coal-fired power plants,and the non-cancer health risk assessment model recommended by USA EPA was used to assess human health risks and to compare different site selection schemes.The results show that the 24-hour average concentration of mercury in site selection scheme B is higher than that of site selection scheme A.From the perspective of environmental quality,site selection scheme A is superior to site selection scheme B;the non-carcinogenic health risks of mercury in both site selection schemes are within the acceptable range,but the non-carcinogenic health risk of the maximum concentration point of site B is about 4 times that of program A,the health risks of different groups of program B are also higher than the site selection plan A,considering the human health risk,the site selection plan A is also superior to location plan B.Considering two comparison angles,Scheme A is the best selection scheme.When selecting a site for a coal-fired power plant,human health risks should be fully considered.Try to select simple terrain and no dense residential areas near the downwind.
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