章驰.DCS网络故障下蒸发器水位控制失效模式分析和优化[J].南华大学学报(自然科学版),2020,34(2):25~33.[ZHANG Chi.Analysis and Optimization of Failure Mode of Steam Generator Water Level Control Under DCS Network Failure[J].Journal of University of South China(Science and Technology),2020,34(2):25~33.]
Analysis and Optimization of Failure Mode of Steam Generator Water Level Control Under DCS Network Failure
中文关键词:  水位控制  失效模式  网络故障  质量位
英文关键词:water level control  failure mode  network failure  quality signa
章驰 福建福清核电有限公司 维修二处,福建 福清 350300 
摘要点击次数: 761
全文下载次数: 394
      Steam generator water level control directly affects reactor protection.A low-low steam generator water level results in a reactor trip signal by 4 to 2 logic.The low steam generator water level and steam/feed water flow mismatch produces a reactor trip signal.This paper introduces the principle of steam generator water level control and its signal flow,and combines the DCS network structure of Fuqing Nuclear Power Plant No.1-4 to analyze the two modes of steam generator water level control failure under DCS network failure,and propose optimization methods to ensure steam generator water level control stability and integrity.According to the feasibility of the optimization method,it is concluded that the steam flow signal and the feed water temperature signal need to be optimized,and the conclusion of the Back-Up quality signal logic is added to improve the safety and stability of the nuclear power plant.
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