郑国华,李果,吕品磊,廖建军.衡阳盆地乡村聚落景观格局演变规律探究及相似性分析[J].南华大学学报(自然科学版),2019,33(5):90~96.[ZHENG Guohua,LI Guo,Lü Pinlei,LIAO Jianjun.Evolution Law Exploration and Similarity Analysis of Rural Settlement Landscape Pattern in the Hengyang Basin[J].Journal of University of South China(Science and Technology),2019,33(5):90~96.]
Evolution Law Exploration and Similarity Analysis of Rural Settlement Landscape Pattern in the Hengyang Basin
中文关键词:  衡阳盆地  乡村聚落  景观格局  演变探究  相似性分析
英文关键词:Hengyang Basin  rural settlement  landscape pattern  origin exploration  similarity analysis
郑国华 南华大学 设计艺术学院,湖南 衡阳 421001 1979596651@qq.com 
李果 南华大学 设计艺术学院,湖南 衡阳 421001  
吕品磊 南华大学 设计艺术学院,湖南 衡阳 421001  
廖建军 南华大学 设计艺术学院,湖南 衡阳 421001  
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      搜取衡阳盆地人类活动遗址、历史文化名村名镇、传统村落等名录进行时间考定与排序,运用Kriging插值分析了研究区人类活动-聚落遗留源变规律,结合数理统计中等距抽样法选定14 个乡村聚落提取出景观形态指标特征,并利用层次分析法(analytic hierarchy process,AHP)法构建乡村聚落景观相似性量化矩阵,进一步运用景观相似性模型分析研究区乡村聚落景观的联系与特征。结果表明:1)研究区聚落演变规律为蒸水、耒水、洣水流域向盆地中央晕散推进,随着人地矛盾进一步增加,后发展至资源禀赋次优的东、南部山区。2)研究区存在比较相似与高相似关系的乡村聚落景观占比最大,二者合计占比65.93%,表明研究区乡村聚落景观整体上存在相似性关系,且其相似性特征主要承载于乡村聚落物质景观之上;因而建设乡村振兴战略所提出的“一村一品、一村一景”目标需通过乡村聚落人文复兴来推动乡村聚落的环境面貌更新。研究成果可为衡阳盆地乡村聚落形态认知、乡村聚落景观规划提供参考与应用。
      This study searches human activity sites,famous historical villages and traditional villages in the historical records to determine and sort the times.Then,it uses the Kriging Interpolation to analyze the development law of human activity and settlement inheriting,combined with the Equidistant Sampling to select 14 rural samples to extract the characteristics of landscape morphological indicators,and applies AHP to construct the quantitative matrix of rural settlement landscape similarity.Furthermore,it analyzes the relationship and characteristics of the rural settlement landscape in the area by the landscape similarity model.It has the following conclusions:1)it is the settlement development law in the area that shifts scatteredly from the Zhengshui River,the Lishui River and the Qinshui River to the central part of the basin,and to the suboptimal areas—eastern and southern mountainous areas,with the further intensification of the contradiction between human and land.2)The rural settlements with the similarity and high similarity in the study area accounted for the largest proportion,and the total proportion both was 65.93%,which indicated that the rural settlement landscape showed similarity in the study area,and the similarity was mainly carried in the material sides.Therefore,the goal of “one village,one product and one village,one scene”in the Rural Revitalization Strategy needs to be achieved through cultural renaissance to promote environmental renewal about rural settlement.The research results can provide reference and application for the rural settlement morphology cognition and landscape planning in Hengyang Basin.
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