张楚旋,易冬福,彭怀德.隧道纵坡对烟气逆流层长度的影响研究[J].南华大学学报(自然科学版),2019,33(5):24~29.[ZHANG Chuxuan,YI Dongfu,PENG Huaide.Study of Influence on the Smoke Backflow Distances with Different Longitudinal Gradient in Tunnels[J].Journal of University of South China(Science and Technology),2019,33(5):24~29.]
Study of Influence on the Smoke Backflow Distances with Different Longitudinal Gradient in Tunnels
中文关键词:  隧道火灾  隧道坡度  数值模拟  经验公式  逆流层长度
英文关键词:tunnel fire  the tunnel slopes  numerical simulation  empirical formula  smoke backflow distances
张楚旋 南华大学 资源环境与安全工程学院,湖南 衡阳 421001 82332390@qq.com 
易冬福 娄底职业技术学院 安全培训与技术服务中心,湖南 娄底 417000  
彭怀德 南华大学 资源环境与安全工程学院,湖南 衡阳 421001  
摘要点击次数: 1051
全文下载次数: 705
      Based on the importance of longitudinal slope gradient on length of smoke backflow distances in tunnel fire,one tunnel was taken as the research object in this paper.Through the software FDS5.0,the numerical analysis of smoke backflow distances,produced by fire hazard in tunnels with different slopes,was conducted.The variation laws of smoke backflow distances and ventilation speed were concluded by referring other references,after which a new slope correction formula of gradient tunnel with critical ventilation speed was obtained by numerical simulation and data analysis.It is revealed that the formula is in line with the law that the distance of backflow is affected by the longitudinal gradient.Further,compared with empirical formulas,it conforms to experimental data better.Therefore,this formula is capable of guidance in selecting longitudinal gradient of tunnels in design.
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