何丽华,陈云,于涛.基于威布尔分布的核电厂仪表校验周期延长论证分析[J].南华大学学报(自然科学版),2019,33(3):40~43.[HE Lihua,CHENG Yun,YU Tao.Demonstration Analysis on Extension of Instrument Calibration Cycle for Nuclear Power Plant Based on Weibull Distribution[J].Journal of University of South China(Science and Technology),2019,33(3):40~43.]
Demonstration Analysis on Extension of Instrument Calibration Cycle for Nuclear Power Plant Based on Weibull Distribution
中文关键词:  威布尔分布  周期延长  图形估计  最小二乘估计  极大似然估计
英文关键词:weibull distribution  extended period  graphic estimation  least squares estimation  maximum likelihood estimation
何丽华 南华大学 核科学技术学院,湖南 衡阳 421001 helihuahi@163.com 
陈云 衡阳镭目科技有限责任公司,湖南 衡阳 421001  
于涛 南华大学 核科学技术学院,湖南 衡阳 421001  
摘要点击次数: 816
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      威布尔分布常用在寿命数据分析中,以核电厂的主给水流量控制系统液位测量仪表数据和反应堆冷却剂系统温度测量仪表历史大修数据为例,建立威布尔分布可靠性模型,计算仪表的预计失效时间。结果表明:在仪表95%可靠度下,仪表的失效时间大于延长后的1.5 a的验证实验周期,这两组仪表具有良好的可靠性,周期延长可行。
      Weibull distribution is frequently applied for lifespan data analysis.Taking the data of the level measurement instrument of the main feed water flow control system and the history overhaul data of temperature measurement instrument of the reactor coolant system as an example,the weibull distribution reliability model is established and the estimated failure time of the instruments is calculated.The results show that:when the instrument has 95% reliability,the failure time of the instruments is greater than the extended 1.5-year verification experiment cycle,these two sets of instruments has good reliability,cycle extension is feasible.
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