刘玥,龚日朝.基于概率不确定语言术语集和VIKOR法的多属性决策研究[J].南华大学学报(自然科学版),2019,33(2):61~69, 89.[LIU Yue,GONG Rizhao.Research on Multiple Attribute Decision Making Based on Probabilistic Uncertain Linguistic Variable Sets and VIKOR Method[J].Journal of University of South China(Science and Technology),2019,33(2):61~69, 89.]
Research on Multiple Attribute Decision Making Based on Probabilistic Uncertain Linguistic Variable Sets and VIKOR Method
中文关键词:  不确定语言变量  概率不确定语言术语集  VIKOR法  多属性决策
英文关键词:uncertain linguistic variable  probabilistic uncertain linguistic variable sets  VIKOR method  multiple attribute decision making
刘玥 湖南科技大学 商学院,湖南 湘潭 411201 
龚日朝 湖南科技大学 商学院,湖南 湘潭 411201 
摘要点击次数: 900
全文下载次数: 667
      In this paper,firstly,the concept of probabilistic uncertain linguistic variable sets(PULVS) and its algorithms and basic properties are proposed when it extends linguistic term to uncertain linguistic variable in probabilistic linguistic term sets,and on the basis of defining the score function and precise function,the comparison rules between two probabilistic uncertain linguistic variable sets are given;Then,under the background of describing attribute features with PULVS,the new PULVS-VIKOR attribute decision model is constructed by using the VIKOR multi-attribute decision method;Finally,through a calculation of decision case,the feasibility,effectiveness and superiority of the new idea and method are verified.
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