廖文峰,张志军.埋入式双排桩在土质滑坡治理工程中的应用[J].南华大学学报(自然科学版),2018,32(6):37~43.[LIAO Wenfeng,ZHANG Zhijun.Application of Buried Double-row Piles in Soil Landslide Treatment Engineering[J].Journal of University of South China(Science and Technology),2018,32(6):37~43.]
Application of Buried Double-row Piles in Soil Landslide Treatment Engineering
中文关键词:  双排桩  边坡稳定  数值模拟  MIDAS/GTS  剪应变
英文关键词:double-row pile  slope stability  numerical simulation  MIDAS/GTS  shear strain
廖文峰 南华大学 资源环境与安全工程学院,湖南 衡阳 421001 29499464@qq.com 
张志军 南华大学 资源环境与安全工程学院,湖南 衡阳 421001  
摘要点击次数: 1060
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      埋入式双排桩由于具有整体刚度大、抗侧移刚度大及抗滑能力强且受力合理等优点,因而被广泛应用在深基坑支护与大型滑坡治理工程中.以某土质滑坡为例,利用MIDAS/GTS分别对未治理的土质滑坡和采用埋入式双排桩支护后的土质滑坡进行数值模拟分析,从坡体稳定安全系数、坡体位移变形及剪应变三个方面进行了对比分析.研究表明:采用埋入式双排桩对该滑坡进行治理后,坡体的稳定安全系数由1.087 5提高到1.487 5,边坡达到稳定状态.同时坡体的大位移变形区域和最大位移量也有大幅度减小、剪应变带明显消失且剪应变大小得到有效控制,边坡治理效果明显.
      Buried double-row piles are widely used in deep foundation pit support and large landslide treatment projects because of their advantages of large overall stiffness,large lateral stiffness resistance,strong anti-sliding ability and reasonable force.Take a soil landslide as an example,using MIDAS/GTS to numerically simulate the untreated soil landslide and the soil landslide after the embedded double-row pile support.A comparative analysis was made from these three aspects:the slope stability safety,slope displacement deformation and the shear strain.The research shows that after the landslide is treated by the embedded double-row pile,the stability safety factor of the slope is increased from 1.087 5 to 1.487 5,and the slope reaches a stable state.At the same time,the large displacement deformation area and the maximum displacement of the slope body are also greatly reduced,the shear strain band disappears obviously and the shear strain is effectively controlled.What's more,the slope treatment effect is obvious.
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