彭伟.基于规范的多跨PC连续梁桥检测评估研究[J].南华大学学报(自然科学版),2018,32(4):76~83.[PENG Wei.Research on Inspection and Assessment of Multi-Span PC Continuous Girder Bridge Based on Specification[J].Journal of University of South China(Science and Technology),2018,32(4):76~83.]
Research on Inspection and Assessment of Multi-Span PC Continuous Girder Bridge Based on Specification
中文关键词:  多跨连续梁桥  检测评估  裂缝  桥梁线形  材质状况  构件数量
英文关键词:multi-span continuous girder bridge  inspection and assessment  crack  bridge alignment  material condition  number of members
彭伟 重庆安济建设加固工程有限责任公司,重庆401120
招商局重庆交通科研设计院有限公司 桥梁工程结构动力学国家重点实验室,重庆400067 
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      桥梁病害检测与技术状况评估是制订桥梁管养方案的技术基础.以某在役55跨连续梁桥为背景,采用JTG/T H21—2011《公路桥梁技术状况评定标准》分层综合评定方法,讨论了桥跨数增加对结构检测评估的影响,再根据结构构造特点划分检测构件,对全桥进行表观缺陷、构件裂缝、材料强度、保护层厚度与碳化深度、桥面线形等综合检测,基于构件病害分类分级指标与部件变权调整综合评估了该桥现状.检测评估结果表明:主梁、支座、墩柱等构件总数随桥跨数增加而明显增大,系数t逐渐趋于取定值2.3,对应部件评分主要依赖于同类构件评分情况;该桥现状技术状况等级为3类,主要病害为T梁、箱梁及桥台裂缝和支座滑移,建议对这些裂缝进行封闭处治,更换滑移量过大的异常支座,后期应加强桥梁管理养护.
      Disease inspection and technical status assessment provide the technical basis of establishment programs for bridge management and maintenance.Taking a prestressed concrete(PC) continuous girder bridge in service with 55 spans for example,the influence of bridge spans on structural inspection and assessment was discussed according to hierarchical analysis in the criteria of JTG/T H21—2011Standards for Technical Condition Evaluation of Highway Bridges,then status inspections were carried out after division detection units based on structure characteristics,including visual defects,member crack,material strength,protective layer thickness,carbonization depth,and deck alignment,structural technical condition was thus assessed with member diseases scale classification and component weight adjustment.The results show the total number of main beams,bearings and pier columns is obviously increased with the influence of spans,the value of t is gradually tending to 2.3 in this scenario,so scores of bridge components depend on revealed members.The present technical level of background bridge is in level three,whose main disease are cracks in T-girders,box girders and abutments,as well as slippages of bearings,so further strengthening structural maintenance and treating measures are suggested for blocking up such cracks,and replacement of abnormal supports with excessive slippages.
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