刘爱青.UML建模在网吧识别嫌疑人系统中的应用[J].南华大学学报(自然科学版),2018,32(4):69~75, 83.[LIU Aiqing.Application of UML Modeling in Internet Bar Identification Suspect System[J].Journal of University of South China(Science and Technology),2018,32(4):69~75, 83.]
Application of UML Modeling in Internet Bar Identification Suspect System
中文关键词:  UML  用例图  序列图  人脸识别  DDL
英文关键词:UML  use case  sequence diagram  face recognition  DDL
刘爱青 南华大学 计算机学院,湖南 衡阳 421001 lengyewell@163.com 
摘要点击次数: 775
全文下载次数: 607
      为公安机关提高辨别嫌疑人的成功率,缩短发现嫌疑人后上报的周期,提出了一种新型的网吧识别嫌疑人系统,系统的设计通过RUP(rational unified process)与UML(unified modeling language)结合,采用迭代建模的方法,建立了不同的元模型来探索静态结构图和动态行为图.实验结果表明,经过以上迭代的建模过程,能够定位系统蓝图,形成职责和结构清晰的软件架构,同时验证了DDL(data definition language)符合数据库设计的规范关系模式.
      For the public security organs to improve the rate of the suspect's success and shorten the cycle of the discovery of the suspects,a new type of network bar identification suspect system is proposed.The design of the system is combined with RUP (rational unified process)and UML(unified modeling language) and the iterative modeling method is used to establish a different meta model to explore the static structure and dynamic behavior map.The experimental results show that through the iterative modeling process,the blueprint of the system can be located,and the software architecture with clear responsibility and structure is formed,and the standard relationship pattern that DDL meets the database design is verified.
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