陈林才,欧阳八生.基于Workbench无气流引导式振动流化床模态及谐响应分析[J].南华大学学报(自然科学版),2018,32(3):78~83.[CHEN Lincai,OUYANG Basheng.The Modal and Harmonic Response Analysis of a Non Airflow Guided Vibrating Fluidized Bed Based on Workbench[J].Journal of University of South China(Science and Technology),2018,32(3):78~83.]
The Modal and Harmonic Response Analysis of a Non Airflow Guided Vibrating Fluidized Bed Based on Workbench
中文关键词:  开苞药  干燥  振动流化床  ansys workbench  模态分析  谐响应分析
英文关键词:dryness  drying  vibrated fluidized bed  Ansys Workbench  modal analysis  harmonic response analysis
陈林才 南华大学 机械工程学院,湖南 衡阳 421001 chenlc1991@foxmail.com 
欧阳八生 南华大学 机械工程学院,湖南 衡阳 421001  
摘要点击次数: 841
全文下载次数: 691
      针对颗粒状烟花开苞药干燥的特殊性,介绍了一种采用热水循环加热的无气流引导式振动流化床的结构原理及相关参数.通过 Ansys workbench 对该振动流化床进行模态计算,得出其模态频率、振型、变形类型及位置,其结果可作为流化效率的优化分析依据.通过谐响应分析,得出在不同频率下的响应曲线,为结构设计避免产生共振提供参考,具有较高的指导意义.
      In view of the particularities of drying of granular fireworks,the article introduces the structure principle and related parameters of a non air flow guided vibratory fluidized bed heated by hot water.With the modal vibration fluidized bed by Ansys Workbench calculation,the results of the modal frequency and vibration type,deformation type and position can be used to optimize the flow of efficiency analysis basis;through harmonic response analysis,the response curve is obtained under different frequencies,and provides a reference for the structure design to avoid resonance.This article has more high instructional significance.
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