孙静,何家东,李乾.多种水生植物对铀的富集特性对比研究[J].南华大学学报(自然科学版),2018,32(3):27~31.[SUN Jing,HE Jiadong,LI Qian.Comparative Analysis about Uranium Accumulation Characteristics of Various Aquatic Plants[J].Journal of University of South China(Science and Technology),2018,32(3):27~31.]
Comparative Analysis about Uranium Accumulation Characteristics of Various Aquatic Plants
中文关键词:  水生植物    富集特性  对比分析
英文关键词:aquatic plants  uranium  accumulative characteristics  comparative analysis
孙静 南华大学 铀矿冶生物技术国防重点学科实验室,湖南 衡阳 421001 
何家东 贵州健康职业学院 药学系,贵州 铜仁 554300 
李乾 南华大学 铀矿冶生物技术国防重点学科实验室,湖南 衡阳 421001 
摘要点击次数: 897
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      本研究采集水生或者喜水植物12种,进行铀富集特性对比研究.对含铀废水的净化结果表明:满江红鱼腥藻对铀的富集能力最强,在修复25 d时,体系中铀的去除率达到97.7%,达到国家允许排放的标准;香蒲草在修复进行20 d以后,铀的去除率也超过92%.对铀富集特性的principal co-ordinates amalysis(PCoA)分析表明,满江红鱼腥藻和香蒲草、碎米沙草和白鹤芋、合果芋和水莎草、大薸和水葫芦对铀的富集特性是相似的.植物对铀毒害的耐受性监测表明,满江红鱼腥藻、合果芋和香蒲草等对铀的耐受性比较强.
      In this study,twelve kinds of aquatic plants were collected and their uranium-accumulative performance were compared.The results of remediation for uranium waste water showed,the Azoila imbricate from the uranium tailings pond exerted the strongest accumulative capacity and the uranium removal had reached 97.7%,and the cleaned water had reached below the national permission standard of uranium emission in 25 days.Also,the Typha orientalis showed a good accumulative capacity and tolerance,the uranium removal achieved 92.0% in 25 days.The PCoA analysis of the uranium adsorption characteristics showed that,Cyperus iria and Spathiph yllum kochii,Azoila imbricate and Typha orientalis,Syngonium podophyllum and Cyperus serotinus,Pistia stratiotes and Water hyacinth,showed the similar performance on the uranium enrichment respectively.The plant tolerance results showed,the Azoila imbricate,Syngonium podophyllum and Typha orientalis had a better uranium tolerance.
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