何根,游春华,夏宇,陈婉若.土压力作用下深井式地下停车库衬砌变形分析[J].南华大学学报(自然科学版),2018,32(2):43~47.[HE Gen,YOU Chun-hua,XIA Yu,CHEN Wan-ruo.Analysis of Deformation of Deep Underground Parking Garage Lining under Earth Pressure[J].Journal of University of South China(Science and Technology),2018,32(2):43~47.]
Analysis of Deformation of Deep Underground Parking Garage Lining under Earth Pressure
中文关键词:  衬砌  土压力  矩形薄板  差分法  挠度
英文关键词:lining  earth pressure  rectangular thin-plate  difference method  deflection
何根 湖南工学院 建筑工程与艺术设计学院,湖南 衡阳 421002 
游春华 湖南工学院 建筑工程与艺术设计学院,湖南 衡阳 421002 
夏宇 湖南工学院 建筑工程与艺术设计学院,湖南 衡阳 421002 
陈婉若 湖南工学院 建筑工程与艺术设计学院,湖南 衡阳 421002
广州大学 土木工程学院,广东 广州 510006 
摘要点击次数: 847
全文下载次数: 625
      The construction of deep underground parking garages has become an effective way to alleviate parking problem. Large deformation of the parking garage lining will cause cracks, which will affect the impermeability of the garage. It is of great significance to study the deformation rule of lining and control its deformation. This paper, the side lining plate is simplified into rectangular thin-plate with three fixed boundary and one free boundary based on assumed conditions,thus the underground structure space problem is transformed into an elastic mechanics plane problem, which greatly simplifies the calculation. The numerical solutions for the displacement of plate under uniformly distributed load and triangular load are derived by using difference method and finite element method, then compared with the theoretical solutions. The results show that the plate generally rises near the center under uniformly distributed load while in the mid-span of the free boundary under triangular load. In contrast with the finite element solutions, the difference solutions are closer to the theoretical solutions, which shows the feasibility of the calculation method. The displacement solutions of thin plate under static earth pressure, active earth pressure and passive earth pressure are calculated respectively with difference method, which provides reference value for engineering design.
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