黄晴,易金舫,饶军应,谢涛,李延超.钢板桩围堰止水性能试验及其应用研究[J].南华大学学报(自然科学版),2016,30(2):123~128.[HUANG Qing,YI Jin-fang,RAO Jun-ying,XIE Tao,LI Yan-chao.Test and Application of Sealing Properties for Steel Sheet Pile Cofferdam[J].Journal of University of South China(Science and Technology),2016,30(2):123~128.]
Test and Application of Sealing Properties for Steel Sheet Pile Cofferdam
中文关键词:  钢板桩  围堰  止水  室内试验
英文关键词:steel sheet pile  cofferdam  water seal  laboratory test
黄晴 北京中建建筑设计院有限公司长沙分公司,湖南 长沙 410100 
易金舫 中国铁建十五局集团第七工程有限公司, 河南 洛阳 471013 
饶军应 贵州大学 土木工程学院,贵州 贵阳 550025 
谢涛 贵州大学 土木工程学院,贵州 贵阳 550025 
李延超 湖南城建职业技术学院 管理工程系,湖南 湘潭 411101 
摘要点击次数: 715
全文下载次数: 1064
      受水荷载作用后,钢板桩围堰结构易产生渗水或大变形,导致施工难度增大,甚至引发工程事故.通过开展钢板桩围堰止水性能试验,对比分析了钢板桩在无止水材料、含沥青类材料或含膨胀性止水材料三种情况下的止水效果,结果表明:在透水层厚t=50 cm时,若钢板桩锁扣处无止水材,其换算透水系数为0.1~1 cm/s;若在锁口处涂抹止水材料,钢板桩整体换算透水系数小于1×10-6 cm/s,但钢板桩锁口处局部透水量有一定区别.结合某钢板桩围堰工程实际应用,针对钢板桩止水施工中可能遇到的问题,给出并实施了具体措施.
      The seepage and large deformation will happen after the structure of steel sheet pile cofferdam receiving water loads.These may make engineering construction more difficult.Test of sealing performance for steel sheet pile cofferdam is carried out.There are three different ways of sealing in this test;they are pure steel sheet pile,steel sheet pile with gilsonite and similar sealing materials,steel sheet pile with expansible sealing materials.The sealing effects of these sealing ways are contrasted.Results show:as the thickness of permeable bed is 50 cm,conversion coefficient of permeable is 0.1~1 cm/s in the condition of pure steel sheet pile,while it is less than 1×10-6 cm/s in the condition of daubing sealing materials at the force shaft.Different force shafts hold different permeable capacity.According to an engineering practical application of steel sheet pile and some problems happened in sealing construction,some measures are provided and carried out.
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