杨仕教,陈俊霖.某钼矿全尾砂膏体制备控制系统方案设计[J].南华大学学报(自然科学版),2015,29(2):47~51.[YANG Shi-jiao,CHEN Jun-lin.Unclassified-tailings Paste for Backfill Mining ControlSystem Design in a Molybdenum Mine[J].Journal of University of South China(Science and Technology),2015,29(2):47~51.]
Unclassified-tailings Paste for Backfill Mining ControlSystem Design in a Molybdenum Mine
中文关键词:  全尾砂膏体充填  DCS  双闭环比值控制  模糊PID控制
英文关键词:unclassified-tailings paste for backfill mining  DCS  dual closed-loop variable ratio control  Fuzzy-PID
杨仕教 南华大学 核资源工程学院,湖南 衡阳 421001 
陈俊霖 南华大学 核资源工程学院,湖南 衡阳 421001 
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全文下载次数: 610
      Unclassified-tailings paste filling system is a complex system.It's extremely strict with the requirements of concentration and cement-to-tailings ratio to produce qualified paste,therefore,it is the prerequisite to design an economical and efficacy control system to produce qualified paste.It is necessary to design the control system specially,because the backfilling material composition and the performance difference is big in different mining with diverse backfilling technology.This paper analyzes the process characteristics and the performance parameters of unclassified-tailings paste for backfill mining system in a molybdenum mine of Hei Longjiang at first,then designs the target and the structure of the system,that is,controlling the cement-to-tailings ratio and concentration efficiently,and adopting the DCS structure.Finally we design the scheme of the control system including the dual closed-loop ratio control scheme,the fuzzy PID control algorithm and so on,which is convenient for further design work.
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