贾晓淳,于涛,谢金森.99Tc靶件中子学特性及释热率特点的初步研究[J].南华大学学报(自然科学版),2015,29(1):1~5.[JIA Xiao-chun,YU Tao,XIE Jin-sen.Preliminary Study on the Neutronics and the Heat Releasing Rate Characteristics of 99Tc Transmutation Target[J].Journal of University of South China(Science and Technology),2015,29(1):1~5.]
Preliminary Study on the Neutronics and the Heat Releasing Rate Characteristics of 99Tc Transmutation Target
中文关键词:  99Tc  中子学特性  释热率
英文关键词:99Tc  the neutronics characteristics  heat releasing rate
贾晓淳 南华大学 核科学技术学院,湖南 衡阳 421001 
于涛 南华大学 核科学技术学院,湖南 衡阳 421001 
谢金森 南华大学 核科学技术学院,湖南 衡阳 421001 
摘要点击次数: 481
全文下载次数: 703
      99Tc是一种重要的长寿命裂变产物,半衰期长,极易随地下水迁徙扩散.将99Tc嬗变为短寿命或稳定核素,可有效降低其对环境的危害.99Tc在热中子谱下具有较大的吸收截面,采用PWR嬗变99Tc是一种可行途径.为了评估99Tc嬗变靶件对PWR堆芯中子学参数的影响,并为含嬗变靶件的PWR组件热工水力计算提供数据,本文对含99Tc的17×17 PWR组件进行模拟计算,给出了99Tc靶件加入前后,燃料温度系数、慢化剂温度系数的变化规律;计算了稳态工况下99Tc靶件的轴向释热率.相关结论可为PWR嬗变99Tc研究提供参考.
      99Tc is a kind of important long-lived fission products with a very long half-life, which is easy to migrate with water underground.Transmuting 99Tc to short life or stable nuclides will effectively reduce its harm to the environment.As 99Tc has larger absorption cross section in the thermal neutron spectrum,it is a feasible way to transmute it in PWRs.In order to estimate the influence on the core neutronics parameters after putting the 99Tc target into PWR,and to provide data for the thermal hydraulic calculation of PWR containing targets,the article has caculated fuel temperature coefficient,moderator temperature coefficient before and after putting 99Tc into a 17 × 17 PWR assembly and axial heat releasing rate of the 99Tc target in steady state condition.The relevant conclusion can provide reference for the continued study of 99Tc transmutation in PWR.
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