刘清,周逸,张艳霞.强碱溶液中电沉积金属锌粉技术[J].南华大学学报(自然科学版),2014,28(1):97~101.[LIU Qing,ZHOU Yi,ZHANG Yan-xia.The Technology of Electrodeposition of MetallicZinc Powder in Alkali Solution[J].Journal of University of South China(Science and Technology),2014,28(1):97~101.]
The Technology of Electrodeposition of MetallicZinc Powder in Alkali Solution
中文关键词:  金属锌粉  碱溶液  电沉积  电解参数
英文关键词:metallic zinc powder  alkali solution  electrodeposition  electrolytic parameters
刘清 南华大学 污染控制与资源化技术湖南省重点实验室,湖南 衡阳 421001 
周逸 南华大学 污染控制与资源化技术湖南省重点实验室,湖南 衡阳 421001 
张艳霞 南华大学 污染控制与资源化技术湖南省重点实验室,湖南 衡阳 421001 
摘要点击次数: 610
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      碱浸—电解法制备金属锌粉技术具有流程简单、环境友好、适应性强等特点.本文通过能斯特方程计算了强碱性溶液中锌沉积的理论分解电动势,并考察碱浓度、锌浓度、极距、电流密度、搅拌等参数对金属锌粉质量和电流密度的影响,得到最佳的电解条件为:碱浓度4 mol/L,锌浓度30 g/L,极距3 cm,电流密度1 000 A/m2,不搅拌.在最佳条件下电解得到的金属锌粉,全锌含量为97.38%,金属锌含量为96.79%,基本达到《锌粉的质量技术要求(GB/T6890—2000)》的一级标准.
      The technology of production of metallic zinc powder from lean ores bearing zinc and the wastes using alkaline leaching and electrowinning process has the advantages of simple flowshee,environmental friendly and fine adaptability.In this paper,the electrode potential of zinc electrodeposition in alkali solution had been calculated and the effect of zinc and alkali concentration,current density,polar distance and stirring on the quality of metallic zinc powder and current efficiency had been studied.Optimum conditions of zinc electrodeposition were found to be 4 mol/L NaOH concentration,30 g/L zinc concentration,1000 A/m2 current density and 3cm polar distance.The total and metallic Zn content of metallic zinc powder were 97.38% and 96.79% respectively,which can meet the industry standard.
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