余修武,余员琴,江珊.基于无线传感器网络的滑坡地质灾害预警监测系统研究[J].南华大学学报(自然科学版),2014,28(1):34~39.[YU Xiu-wu,YU Yuan-qin,JIANG Shan.Study of Early Warning Monitoring System in Landslide Disaster Based on Wireless Sensor Network[J].Journal of University of South China(Science and Technology),2014,28(1):34~39.]
Study of Early Warning Monitoring System in Landslide Disaster Based on Wireless Sensor Network
中文关键词:  滑坡灾害监测  无线传感器网络  传感节点  ZigBee
英文关键词:geological disaster monitoring  Wireless Sensor Network  sensor nodes  ZigBee
余修武 南华大学 环境保护与安全工程学院,湖南 衡阳 421001 
余员琴 江西渝州科技学院 信息工程学院,江西 新余 338029 
江珊 南华大学 环境保护与安全工程学院,湖南 衡阳 421001 
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全文下载次数: 684
      The automatic and real-time monitoring of the deformation and instability of the slopes and crags is an effective means to predict the landslide and other geological disasters.It helps people grasp the rules of those disasters,makes a qualitative or quantitative safety evaluation in time,and thus minimizes the occurrence probability of the geological disaster of landslide and damage caused by the disaster.Therefore,the rake of slopes and crags and the change of water level is sampled to real-time monitor by the means of ZigBee WSN technology in this essay.And teleprocessing interaction is made through wireless communication and Internet messaging so as to monitor and early warn the landslide and other geological disasters.The structure configuration of this monitoring system,the topology of WSN,the structure and design of hardware and software of the nodes of wireless sensor,and the function and application of the system are introduced and discussed.Compared with the traditional monitoring system of geotechnical disasters,it has the advantages of simple nodes distribution,reliable system,easy maintenance,easy expanding of monitoring scale and low cost and so on.
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