洪昌寿,李向阳,胡鹏华,李先杰,叶勇军,谢东.基于MATLAB的铀矿山井底车场列车排队系统蒙特卡洛模拟[J].南华大学学报(自然科学版),2014,28(1):17~23, 33.[HONG Chang-shou,LI Xiang-yang,HU Peng-hua,LI Xian-jie,YE Yong-jun,XIE Dong.Monte Carlo Simulation of Train Queuing System in Uranium Mine Shaft Station Based on MATLAB[J].Journal of University of South China(Science and Technology),2014,28(1):17~23, 33.]
Monte Carlo Simulation of Train Queuing System in Uranium Mine Shaft Station Based on MATLAB
中文关键词:  铀矿山通风  井底车场  排队论  MATLAB  蒙特卡洛模拟
英文关键词:uranium mine ventilation  shaft station  Queuing Theory  MATLAB  Monte Carlo simulation algorithm
洪昌寿 南华大学 环境保护与安全工程学院,湖南 衡阳 421001 
李向阳 南华大学 环境保护与安全工程学院,湖南 衡阳 421001 
胡鹏华 核工业北京化工冶金研究院,北京 101149 
李先杰 核工业北京化工冶金研究院,北京 101149 
叶勇军 南华大学 环境保护与安全工程学院,湖南 衡阳 421001 
谢东 南华大学 环境保护与安全工程学院,湖南 衡阳 421001 
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      For purpose of making a thorough study of regularity of radon concentration distribution in uranium mine shaft station,a model for characteristic analysis on train queuing system in uranium mine shaft station,based on Queuing Theory,was worked out,aiming at the randomness of loaded trains queuing up for hoisting and its correlation with the quality of intake air.Firstly,the physical model of train queuing system was determined by taking typical uranium mine as example.Then,several indispensable presupposes were given before confirming the analytical algorithm to train queuing system.Finally,it proved not to be an easy task if attempting to obtain the queuing system characteristic index by simply using of classical queuing models or by making a direct deducing according to related definitions in Queuing Theory in consideration of the specificity in uranium mine.Thus,an M-file was established to achieve simulation of the queuing process by adopting of MATLAB-based Monte Carlo method in the light of determined algorithm.The analysis of application example showed that results obtained by this method were basically in line with the engineering practice,and the relative errors between theoretical results and measured results took on degressive tendency along with the increase of simulation times.Specially,both of the relative errors were below 8 % when simulation times exceeded 300.
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